took dis story frm my fren dat share her wonderful xperience with me..well, glad n hepi 4 her to hve a wonderful xperience...check it out..
15 jan 2010 is my best ever day in my life..2-3days before i had my insting dat today gonna b da best day ever...im starting wondering what will happen n how's dat day going on..alhamdulillah, ni lah detik dan saat yg ditunggu2 after bout 10years i left all da memories behind..but today, it remain but in a matured way...
started with a beautiful morning..wake up early to pack my brg2 frm my umah sewa..
then with my fren's car driving to ukm library,need to borrow some books...
about 9.50am, hve to msg her to remind bout our prog dis afternoon...
9.59am-Boleh..sound very great for me..
11.30am- back to my house to pack n get ready to btlk blk..
about 12.30pm-leaving the house..but xdpt blk trus ke umah bcause smbhyg jumaat was held @da mosque, a lot of car that i could not reach my house...so i hve to wait another 15min..
god, my stomache already singing it song..then im feeling a bit coozy..angin naik through my headache..need to do something...
2.30pm-having my lunch but not in a good manner coz my mind is not there, thinking how im going back frm dat plaza then..
3pm- thinking that im gonna hve some sleep here..hoho very da pening..pening-pening lalat kta org so im having a nap for 30min
3.30pm-in a rush utk bsiap, just using wateva yg ada dpn mata..
3.31pm-got a msg but xperasan bila dia msk...' jadi gi ke ? Kalau tak jadi tak apa kita gi lain kali'.
huh...mana blh xjadi, wateva it is, prog must go on..bile lg dpt chance mcm ni...
about 3.55pm-reach @ her house..hhahaa smpai lupa nk bslmn, punya la nk cpt..pick up dia
then it started very slowly..eventhough ingat2 lupa jln, but its goin' well..with the song dat we hear..emmm...
smpai2 di chow kit, we park our car @de nearest to da plaza...then bmulala episod jln2 kami...
she's vry excited...n we had a wnderful n lvely time together..miss those time together mcm dlu2...vry appriciate every single moment of dat day....
n surprise..got some present 4me..gelang yg so so beautiful...aknku smpan as my kenangan yg terindah...
time running so fast, we ddnt realise its already 6oclock..
hahahaha da most important n experience i ever hve...on da way back, tayar pancit...damn....time ni la wat hal...dahla @highway Akleh at dat time..gile keta sume laju2...how am i suppose to get sme help here...got to think so clearly..call all my frens already but cnnt reach 1 of them...n thank god nizam answer my call, need his help...just a few sec, alhmdulillah smebody cme n help us to change da tyre..owh tq vry much p.cik taxi...helping us a lot...
hahahaha whateva it is, im not in a panic situation...smehow i dnt know why..myb bcause of her always bside me..like we had a time ago..well, she gave me da kekuatan utk lalui apa sja...
and alhamdulillah, everything go smooth..teruskn pjlnn but very very the jammed...
about 8.09 we reach her house n i drop by to perform my solat 1st..n again im very thnkful we had a vry vry tough n wonderful xperience...
then we had our dinner-meggi...yeah..we talk n talk n talk like i dnt wanna leave her....oh god, wat a feeling...
then, leave her house about 9.38pm..she's very2 happy n thanks me for da day..then i leave with a long smile n hear some happy music inside my mind....