after a while he stop n try to figure out to do smething else..ohhh akhirnya...
then i hve a quality time with her..but it is not like what i imagine..totally different n i can feel the ackward..
n by that time i realize that i'm miss the old time that we had together..i cant tell it how but it make me feel calm, comfrtable n happy..why i cant hve that feeling anymore?why...bcause of our maturity?emm no,bcause of our gap?i dnt thnk so...then y??? i hve no idea..
thinking of that, i mula mrasakan tndkn yg i buat ni sia-sia n it come to the word 'menyesal'..owhh great..what a great idea to see her n to mnyesal bcause im seeing her...hohohoho what a stupid...
well, it reflect to my condition right now bcoz i cnt stop thnking bout her..owh, forgot that im having her facebook after finding n searching for an hour..apa yg memusykilkn lg is her date of birthday?is that true?what a fuck 1960s..hohoho n what a damn 1 of april? hello..all this tme that i know she is celebrating her bday on 22 of nov n i never miss to wish her every year since i know her..owh what a shame if it is true..
whatever it is, totally n seriously i feel like i wanna kill that guy that mke me jealous of their happnss..
owh no need to show off that u r a good person, a slumber rock n 'humble'..owh feel like i wanna throw this throught off..
its all done already so im just thankfull that i still can meet her,still can hve chat tgether frm heart to heart n still can keep in touch eventhough she is not telling me the truth n the story behind the scene..its ok, im not an important person to know all the story by the way.....who am i cmpare to her..i realise that..its ok...
thanx for the layanan n sorry for disturbing n taking ur tme..
one day, one day i hope i can find the answer n the feeling that im losing it rite now..hope so..
im alwyz pray for her savety n hppness..hope u'll never broke the relationship..im counting on it..plsss..
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